Tuesday, April 27, 2010

bees knees

Well, so far I haven't done any better keeping up this blog than I did our last one. Maybe I'm not meant for the blogging world. Sometimes, life gets super busy and its hard to even keep up on keeping up on my to-do list. I use to think I was super motivated and on top of everything! What happened? Hmmm....

Aside from this being the last week of school, preparing for an interview work, balancing a new work committee and several meetings a week, watching my sister, being sick, battling small piles of clutter in every room of the house, and the rest of the never ending list... there's still some fun things thrown in!
This Thursday, Riley plans to drag us to Las Vegas to finally (!) buy a motorcycle for him. This is it:

I've slowly built up my "fairness" trade, and the majority of the things I want are usually things Riley opposes, like a cat. Or a new table. Or things we "don't need". We may die if we don't get this motorcycle, just so you know.

I'm happy settling on a new finch from a coworker/friend. A new Samsung beautiful black fridge I have found. And a cute little handmade pouch on etsy, it has a fox on it, okay! Can't resist. He doesn't know about that yet.

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